Google released the latest edition of its mobile operating system, Android, called ‘Jelly Bean’ about two months ago. Since then, Jelly Bean has been reaching out to more and more Android devices. While Gingerbread still holds the greatest share in the Android market, Jelly Bean is fast expanding its reach.
This is manifest in a new research released by the ad network Chitika. The statistics divulged as a result of this research are based on the mobile ad impressions gathered from its network. According to this research, the overall share of Jelly Bean was a mere 0.87% by the end of July. However, this nearly doubled to 1.47% within the next one month.
When compared to the growth of Ice Cream Sandwich, Android Jelly Bean’s growth is a lot faster. While Jelly Bean hit the 1.47% mark within two months, it took ICS three months to reach 1.54%.
The overall market share of Jelly Bean is expected to improve further as the next-generation devices by Android vendors hit the shelves in the near future. Once the crop of these Jelly Bean devices becomes available, we can expect it to beat ICS in the overall Android market share and become second only to Gingerbread.