Six Diablo 3 players have exact same items – what gives?

When it comes to the virtual gaming community, the relationship dynamics in there are pretty much the same as that of in the real world – we all have to learn to look out for one another, lest we are taken advantage of. Case in point, a user known as “mcstew” has unearthed six different players on Diablo 3 that have the exact same items – with the offhand “Arcanum Mind” being one of the more highly sought after items which was quoted to be “worth 500mill++”. This particular observation has yet to lead to any of the accounts being closed, and could it be just a bug in the game that has allowed all six players to own identical super powered items that see action with their Level 60 characters? Do you think it is a blatant case of cheating, or just one lucky scenario in the world that has millions of players scurrying around Diablo 3 servers until now? The jury is still out on this one, and I too, would want to sit this out.

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