Heads up Max Payne 3 gamers, if you play the game on your console like the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3, you might be interested to learn that a new Title Update is now live for both consoles. If you log in while connected to the internet, you should be prompted to download the update and if you’re wondering what the Title Update will bring to the game, according to Rockstar, it will contain a variety of fixes and adjustments such as:

  • The new Multiplayer Player Card, which allows you and your friends to track multiplayer stats including current amount of XP, total kills, favorite weapon and more.
  • New Automated cheat protection and lag protection measures.
  • Improvements to multiplayer load times
  • Players can now spawn with dual wield if they have two sidearms and no two-handed weapon equipped
  • Polish language support has been added
  • Party leader now has the option of taking entire party with them when they back out of a match
  • Weapon rank in the Arsenal is now visible on the left side of the screen, not just the right
  • The Crew menu is now available inside lobbies
  • XP gained for completing Grinds no longer contributes to rankings in Gang Wars matches
  • Improvements to the spectator camera in Gang Wars
  • Gang Wars wager system improved to better show betting results

So if you haven’t logged into your console yet or fired the game up for a while, perhaps you should do so. If you’d like to learn more about the Title Update, head on over to Rockstar’s blog for the details.

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