Ben Chodor, Happtique’s CEO, mentioned, “Happtique is pleased to officially launch the mRx Pilot Program. Given the tens of thousands of medical, health, and fitness apps on the market today, patients need guidance from health care professionals as they select and use these apps to manage their health. We also firmly believe that app prescribing will prove an effective tool for facilitating positive patient behavior change, which will foster self-management and monitoring and ultimately result in improved health outcomes and lowered health care costs. We welcome the participation of health care practitioners across the U.S. in our mRx Pilot Program and look forward to receiving their feedback on mRx.”
Currently, the pilot will pinpoint the following segments in greater detail – cardiology, rheumatology, endocrinology, orthopedics, physical therapy, and fitness training. This pilot program that kicks off from today onwards will run until early December if you are interested.