Summers can be sweltering, where the mercury shoots up all the way – and we humans who have the advantage of air conditioning might not figure out just how it feels like to be a black Labrador Retriever with a double coat. Good thing there are those cooling down coats that dogs can wear to keep themselves cool, while pooches in the future might soon be able to wear special collars which will send a text message over to their respective masters should it get way too hot. Known as the Dog Caller (got to love the pun in the name), it features a heat sensor, cellular circuitry and a SIM card. Specially programmed to send out an alert once the temperature hits 79 degrees Fahrenheit, this device by Rethink Canada could potentially save the lives of future pooches.
The Dog Caller will be able to send out a text message alert with the current temperature reading so that the owner can take the necessary precautionary measures to avoid the unwanted. This idea was thought up of after the owner of a golden retriever nearly had his pooch overheat, so to speak, while he was out running an errand.