So you just listed an item for sale on Craigslist or eBay and you would much prefer if you didn’t give out your real number to a complete stranger. Short of you going out and buying a disposable phone, there’s an app for that! Dubbed Burner, this iPhone app basically provides you with a new phone number that’s good for either 20 minutes, 60 text messages or seven days. After which you can press the “Burn” button in the app which will then wipe the number from Ad Hoc’s (the company who developed the app) servers. The app itself will cost $1.99 and will entitle you to one temporary number, after which you need to purchase more credits from the company to create more numbers. Now before you go off and think of the various pranks that you can pull, it should be noted that according to the privacy policy, the company may disclose your personal data if required by law. Either way if you’d like to find out more about the app, head on over to its website for the details or head on over to iTunes for the download.
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