Japan’s minimum nation requirements: 3G connectivity

I am quite sure that some of us out there who rely on our phone’s data connection are frustrated at times when we show up at a place, only to find the lack of a 3G signal throw a spanner in the works, as 2G connectivity is way too slow to work with. Well, if you need a decent mobile Internet connection on your device at all times, might I recommend you make the move to Japan instead? The Land of the Rising Sun is apparently a full 3G nation, according to TCA’s official statistics as of July this year. In fact, all top three of Japan’s telco subscribers, 126,194,300 in total, are now 100% on 3G+ or LTE.

Now for the rest of the world to catch up, and it will take some time before the good ol’ US of A catches up, as AT&T has plans to shut down its 2G networks sometime in 2017 if all things go well. What would you do if you were to live in a country where 3G connectivity is the slowest kind of mobile data network for your phablets, tablets and smartphones? Which country do you think is next to follow Japan’s footsteps?

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