SkyCubeIf  you like the idea of broadcasting messages from space, the SkyCube might just be your cup of tea. The makers of SkySafari astronomy apps have just launched their latest project on Kickstarter called SkyCube. Basically it’s a nano-satellite that will be shot out to space and will orbit the planet for 90 days and then shoot back down to earth. When the satellite is in space, it can broadcast messages from users and snap pictures for users to download onto their smartphones.

If you’ve ever wanted to be part of a space mission without having to actually get into a suit and strap yourself to a rocket, the SkyCube comes pretty close. However, the project is still a long way off from its target of $82,500 but it has 57 days to go. Pledges start at $1 for a single message broadcast (120-characters), and $6 for six messages and one photograph. However, if you’re feeling rich, you’ll be able to pledge as much as $10,000 for an exclusive invitation and flight tickets to the launch, 10,000 message broadcasts, up to 2,000 images, a movie of Earth from orbit, a radio receiver, and T-shirts.


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