Nexus 7 accessories leaked, incoming dock

Asus’ Nexus 7, the Google tablet that has certainly made its fair share of waves over the past few weeks, looks set to be on the receiving end of its fair share of accessories, no thanks to a leak of presentation files that have somehow managed to sneak and make a way to Nordic Hardware. Nordic Hardware, not wanting to be selfish, decided to share this bit of news with the rest of the world, and some of the accessories include the already known Smart Case clone, a $20 Travel Cover which has already started to lurk around Asus and Google websites. Not only that, there is also a higher class leather Premium Cover version that will more or less cost double the amount. Why not throw in a cradle into the set as well? This $50 Nexus Dock sports an extremely simple wedge design and has all the relevant audio outputs. Bear in mind that these should arrive sometime later next month as summer winds down to make way for autumn.
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