DLC map packs are one of the reasons that Call of Duty fans continue to play the games, it keeps the experience fresh with new maps and gameplay modes. Today, some images of the next DLC map pack release have been leaked online. Some gameplay was also uploaded, but it was quickly taken down by YouTube. The names of the three maps are Boardwalk, Gulch, and Parish.

After taking a look at Call of Duty’s official content calendar, three multiplayer maps are expected to be released for Elite subscribers come September, so it is very likely that these three maps could be the content that Call of Duty is promising for September. The last DLC for MW3 was released earlier this month and included two new maps(Decommission and Offshore) as well as a new Specs ops mission(Vertigo). August’s DLC release will include two new Specs ops missions as well as a third classified piece of content.

As with all Call of Duty DLC drops, Xbox 360 Elite subscribers will be the first to receive the content, while PS3 and PC users have to wait months for their turn. Neither Infinity Ward nor Activision have confirmed any of these maps, but we’ll keep you updated as more info becomes available. Let us know if you’re excited for these maps in the comments section below.

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