The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday has just approved the first drug that was proven to reduce the risk of HIV infection. This is definitely a milestone throughout the three decades long fight against the AIDS-causing virus. The FDA gave the nod of approval for Gilead Sciences’ pill Truvada, where it is touted to be a preventive measure for those who are at high risk of picking up the HIV virus via unprotected sexual activity. Not only that, those who are married to or are living with HIV-infected partners might also want to check out this prevention pill. According to public health advocates, this particular approval might eventually slow down the spread of HIV, but it sure as heck will not stop it. Do you think that such a pill is going to make it big, bigger than the morning after pill? I sure hope that men do not see this as a free license to sow their oats without any care and concern in the world. It is not 100% foolproof after all.

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