Cancer is considered to be a four letter word to many, and some say that it is a death sentence. Do you agree? I have had family and friends fall to the scourge of cancer over the years that passed by, and they do say that detecting cancer early enough is one of the most effective methods of stopping this disease in its tracks. Enter this Hamilton robot which is capable of changing the way early detection and treatment of breast cancer happens, doing so within months. It is currently being tested on patients, and inventor of the Hamilton robot, Dr. Mehran Anvari, said, “Women in Hamilton will be one of the first to have access to it. Its accuracy is extremely high. We hope it will enhance care.”

Hopefully it will be able to sniff out more than just breast cancer for the future as well. After all, there are many other kinds of cancer out there, and if the Hamilton robot were to be able to pick those up before they progress to the later stages of development, it would definitely be a case of being in the nick of time.

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