Nintendo’s gaming platforms are known for more family-friendly genres, which means that gamers looking to get in on more serious and more “hardcore” games have to turn to consoles like the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. However if you like the ability to play family-friendly and hardcore at the same time but don’t want to own two consoles, you might be interested to learn that Crysis 3 for the Wii U might not be such a far-fetched notion after all. Speaking to the folks at CVG, Crytek’s producer Mike Read was quoted as saying:

“I wouldn’t say there’s no chance […] I mean the Wii U still doesn’t have any kind of release [date] attached to it at this point. Who knows what the future will bring with it. I can definitely say that we are working with Nintendo, and that’s about all I can say on that front.”

If you’re wondering why this tune sounds somewhat familiar, it was because back in April, a director from Crytek, Rasmus Hoejengaard said that Crysis 3 for the Wii U was not possible in his opinion, nor was it in the cards. Either way there’s still no guarantee that Crysis 3 is destined for the Wii U, but we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled nonetheless.

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