With Android 4.1 Jelly Bean currently enjoying the spotlight, we would not be surprised if many Android users have shifted their focus from Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich ROMs to Jelly Bean ones instead. That being said, it seems that one particular tablet has recently received some Honeycomb love. Yes, the Android operating system originally designed for tablets has finally made its way onto the US Cellular version of the HTC Flyer. Yup, so if you own a US Cellular HTC Flyer tablet, you can pop on over to HTC’s website to download the update appropriate for your device. This is after the Honeycomb update was issued to the Flyer back in December of 2011, a good seven months ago. Either way despite Honeycomb being old and with the update being rather late to the game, it’s still better than being forgotten and we’re sure US Cellular customers will no doubt appreciate the update. We guess for the critics out there, this would appear to be a good example of Android fragmentation and also the follies of having carriers dictate when updates are allowed to be pushed out.

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