Newer devices such as the HTC One X, Samsung Galaxy S3 and the Samsung Galaxy Note that have early Android 4.1 Jelly Bean builds of CyanogenMod 10 have all been spotted in the past, and this leads us to the question – how does Jelly Bean hold up in a device which is one generation behind, such as the Samsung Galaxy 2? Well, you can find out further in the video above. It is said that South Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung has plans to include the Galaxy S2 under the wings of Jelly Bean, although there is no concrete release date just yet. For those who are a tad impatient, here is word that you can already run a custom ROM of CyanogenMod 10 on your rooted Samsung Galaxy S2, with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean in tow.

It is said that majority of the Galaxy S2’s functions will work just fine, although there are some issues that users have run into such as the possibility of a random reboot, but it is more or less a close shadow of what the final and official version would be like.

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  • 800x480
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8 MP
  • f/2.6 Aperture
1650 mAh
    1GB RAM
    • Exynos 4210
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    ~$ - Amazon
    116 g
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    • 32