When you think of Mac computers, gaming probably doesn’t come to mind. This is not to say that Macs are not capable of handling games, but since they’re all pre-built, it also means that gamers who want to play more intensive games like Crysis 2 might not be able to enjoy the game at its maxed out settings. That being said, there are plenty of Mac gamers out there and with Steam for Mac being released a while back, we guess many Mac users have hopped aboard the bandwagon to enjoy some gaming time. Interestingly though thanks to a report generated by Steam, it has revealed that a whopping 49.46% of Mac gamers on Steam’s platform are gaming using a MacBook Pro. We guess this isn’t really too surprising considering that the MacBook Pros are Apple’s more powerful offerings (albeit it at a rather steep price). So if you were thinking of switching to Mac and were wondering how it might handle games, pop on over to Steam’s website to check out the report which will give you a better idea of what sort of hardware Mac gamers are currently running.
Filed in Macbook Pro and Steam (Valve).
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