It seems that the wait for a TiVo app for Android-powered tablets is now over, as this particular app has just arrived on an official basis. With the TiVo app, you are able to search, browse, explore and even share comments concerning your favorite TV show or movie – all without having to interrupt what is being viewed on the TiVo DVR a that moment. Some of the app’s features include a Guide that lets you look out for what is happening on the spot by channel, date and time, allowing you to make a scheduled recording so that you can add shows to your Season Pass recordings, or start playing a show if it’s currently on.

Performing a search has also gotten easier, where you can now look for a show or movie by title, retrieve the results from TV and the web, and when you stumble upon something interesting, you can order a movie from here – or perhaps schedule a recording with a simple button press. Other functions include the ability to call up additional information, a Season Pass Manager, and remote control options.

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