Not everyone who owns the Sony Xperia S will be on the receiving end of a new firmware update, but there are reports trickling in that a select group of you out there have already started to obtain updates to firmware version 6.0.A.3.75 on your respective smartphones, while some others do carry version 6.0.A.3.76 with them. It is interesting to note that both firmware builds do not seem to come with certification by PTCRB, which is definitely slightly off the beaten track as it might just signify that these are not global rollouts.

Word has it that these firmware updates will deliver a greater degree of sensitivity for the front capacitive buttons compared to what the current firmware (version 6.0.A.3.73) delivers, in addition to other bug fixes, of course. As to how the v75 firmware is different from v76, it would take an owner of the Sony Xperia S to share their experience with us.

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