Less than a week ago, the upcoming Skyrim DLC, Dawnguard, was confirmed for a release on the Xbox 360 on the 26th of June. However it a private beta of the DLC is expected to take place prior to the launch and according to Bethesda’s Twitter, it looks like the beta invites are currently being sent out. According to the Twitter message, it seems that out of the number of players who rushed to sign up for the beta, a somewhat meager “half of one percent received invites”. About 75% of the beta invites have been sent out and the rest are expected to be released tomorrow, so for those who have yet to receive the email informing them of their successful application, you still have a day left to see if you were successful or not. Fingers crossed! The Skyrim Dawnguard DLC will be released as a timed Xbox 360 exclusive before making its way onto the PlayStation 3 and the PC. Let us know in the comments if you were one of the lucky half percent that received the beta invite!