A while back we reported that Bethesda was handing out beta invites to select players who had signed up for the Skyrim: Dawnguard beta. Well the good news is that if you were not one of the lucky few to get their hands on a beta invite, those who did have since updated the Elder Scrolls Wiki page with information about the upcoming DLC, along with some screenshots of the game. The DLC is set for a release on the 26th of June, assuming that everything goes to plan so we guess you guys don’t have to wait too long before you are finally able to play it. Either way the list of changes and features is a bit too long for us to include in this post, so if you’d like to get the full rundown, pop on over to the Elder Scrolls Wiki page for all the details and pictures! Based on what I’ve gone through so far, it certainly sounds like an interesting update and one I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on. So, who else is excited for the upcoming DLC?