Tech company Sensorcon has decided to look to crowdfunding site Kickstarter to get their Sensordrone project up and running, and suffice to say, they have definitely succeeded in getting more than the required amount. Basically, the Sensordrone has been labeled as the “sixth sense of your smartphone.” Now, whoever said that the smartphone has run out of ways to make another meaningful contribution to the world is definitely wrong, as the Sensordrone, a compact and yet multi-sensor gadget is tiny enough to fit on a keychain, and yet are able to feature hundreds of useful applications. Capable of wirelessly synchronizing to your smartphone over a Bluetooth connection, it will play nice with apps in order to measure the temperature, humidity, light intensity, gas leaks, and perhaps even your BAC levels. There are already half a dozen mobile apps created by the company in order to work with the sensor, and they intend to work with other developers to roll out more apps in due time. Just how will you use your Sensordrone if you had one? Definitely brings the phrase “there’s an app for everything” to a whole new level.

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