Bicycle helicopter gets you going

A bicycle is one of the cooler modes of transport if you do not have far to go between your workplace and home, but if it rains, then the fun factor drops. For just a few blocks, a bicycle will most probably be able to let you arrive at your destination faster than in a car if there is a traffic gridlock. Having said that, a Czechoslovakian design firm must have had their fair share of inspiration to think up of this flying Czechoslovakian bicycle electric helicopter thingamajic. The entire bicycle weighs 200 pounds, so you can imagine the kind of balance you need to keep it standing.

This is still a theory at the moment, where it is known as the FBike which will feature a couple of main lift fans along with two side-mounted propellers so that it can perform vertical take-offs and landings, thanks to a three-axis control. It might be all electric powered, but the battery system remains minimal, where one can expect a mere three to five minutes of flight time at a speed of 30 miles an hour.

It is not much, but it should be enough to get the job done. No idea on how much this thing would cost though, if it were to ever be mass produced. What kind of laws will apply to it – aviation or road?

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