ASUS Transformer Prime receives battery and performance boosting firmware update

Heads up ASUS Transformer Prime owners, according to reports, an update for your tablet is available for download if you’re living in the US and Canada, so you might want to check your device for the notification. This update should be bumping your tablet’s firmware up to and will bring about several improvements and bug fixes along with a couple of new features. For starters, there have been reports of browser and battery life improvements, and if Face Unlock was a feature you wouldn’t mind having, it seems the update has brought Face Unlock to your tablet as well.
Now some of you guys might recall that earlier this year, ASUS released a free GPS dongle for Transformer Prime customers who were concerned about the GPS quality on their device. The update is also expected to bring about some improvements to the GPS by improving the speed at which the tablet will lock onto a satellite. Of course there have been some glitches discovered by users, such as browsers hanging/crashing and some GPU issues. However those appear to be somewhat limited and not really a widespread issue. If you’ve updated your Transformer Prime device, let us know in the comments below on how the update is treating you!
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