It looks as though the downtime of Facebook did not slow the march of having 20 million fans perch on the Angry Birds Facebook fan page, and Rovio is in a celebratory mood in achieving that particular milestone. Granted, one can never hit 20 million fans (and more) if none of you actually bothered to “Like” their Facebook page, so in order to repay your time and kindness, Rovio has decided to offer a 20% discount over the three plush Angry Birds toys that you see on the right.
You are able to purchase these three lovable feathered friends here, and if you can access Facebook, you might want to head on here in order to be part of the celebrations. Do you think Rovio will be able to garner double the number of fans in due time? I do wonder at times at just how much steam left does the Angry Birds train have inside of it, I guess only time will tell, so at the moment, you can continue with your bird slinging, pig popping action!