How does Tawkon work? Well, it will get around measuring a handset’s radiation levels by collecting data on the kind of network band that a phone is running on, the make of wireless antenna that is underneath the hood, as well as the amount of “work” that the phone needs to go through in order to capture a cellular signal. All of this information is actually gathered by the phone’s OS, where the data will then be analyzed using a patent-pending algorithm before presenting a real-time calculation of the phone’s radiation emission, and the rate of radiation absorption a user is facing.
The Tawkon app is said to be able to determine whenever radiation levels are high, and when that happens, at least it does not just complain, but provides suggestions on how to talk more safely. I would say that using a Bluetooth hands-free kit is definitely a no-brainer of an idea. No idea on why Apple rejected this app – perhaps there is something Apple does not want us to know, or they think that it is not worth some “store-time”? What do you think?