Apart from the very interesting VAIO S series that Sony announced today, the Japanese consumer electronics company has also announced its new VAIO Z series, reported to be the ultimate notebook in terms of mobility, speed and convenience. Let’s find out why. Sony said that its new VAIO Z series is crafted from tough and lightweight carbon fiber and aluminum material with a so called ‘hexashell” design. Sony prides its work on the VAIO Z series, particularly for its weight and thin design – just under 1.2kg in weight and only 17mm thin. Furthermore, Sony claims that its VAIO Z series will be the fastest notebooks around, thanks to their third generation Intel quad-core processor. Its 13.1-inch Full HD VAIO Display Premium will bring rich colors and wide viewing angle to its users.
The Z series will also include third-generation SSD Flash RAID drives and an LTE/ 3G WMAN mobile broadband, similar to the VAIO S series. Sony said that some selected models will feature a Power Media Dock. Both the VAIO Z series and the previously reported S series will have a Rapid Wake + Eco functionality which allows the computers to go into an energy-efficient deep sleep whenever you leave the PC running, keeping your data safe along the process while saving power. As we mentioned before, Sony is currently announcing the VAIO Z series in U.K. No word for a release date in the U.S. has been heard. But rest assured, we’ll update you if something new comes up.