In what seems to be preparation for tomorrow’s Crews System launching as well as next week’s release of Max Payne 3, the folks over at Rockstar Games have given its Social Club website a complete overhaul. Like what its name states, with the overhaul that took place today, the Social Club site is indeed social as the changes include user profiles, a new ‘friends’ system and integration with Facebook and Twitter.
Apparently, in the past many people overlooked the developer’s Social Club as they felt it wasn’t essential to the gaming experience. However, with the latest update, its members can maintain an activity feed, add friends who are existing Social Club members or source them out and invite them via Facebook and Twitter. Beyond that, members of the Social Club will also be able to maintain their own profile page so that others who make use of the service can look them up.
Reportedly, today’s revamp is a stepping stone for tomorrow’s introduction of the Crews system which is the new multiplayer function that will allow players to form custom ‘clans’ that will transfer over from one game to another. If you are looking to hit up the newly revamped Social Club website, you can sign into your current account, start a new one or log-in via your Facebook or Twitter.
Filed in Max Payne 3 and Rockstar Games.
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