Another day, another smartphone arrives at the FCC. This time around, we have the Pantech P8010 that will come with a 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 processor underneath the hood, and it has all the relevant bands to enable it to run on AT&T’s networks without any issue at all. Apart from that, there is also additional support for LTE on the 850 and 1900MHz bands. No idea on whether the signals that AT&T wants to phase out of current operation will go ahead or be reallocated. Previous benchmark results of the Pantech P8010 do point towards a qHD display, although the final deal might see a change anyways. We will just have to be patient and wait for the real deal to hit the market before we are able to get a glimpse of all the relevant specifications and come to a more comprehensive conclusion as to whether this is worth your hard earned money or not, so stay tuned.