Remember the Optrix Kickstarter project that was announced last year? Well the good news is that if you’ve always wanted an iPhone case that would be able to handle your outdoors use (particularly during extreme sports situations), Optrix has announced its successor, the Optrix Wide-Angle iPhone Sports Case that users will now be able to start placing their pre-orders for. 

The difference here is that the wide-angle version will offer users a 175 degree wide-angle lens, letting them snap wider and more panoramic photos and videos. It will also retain some of its original features like being bump proof, splash proof and drop proof, therefore making this case “ideal for extreme sports such as mountain biking, skateboarding, skiing and more.” 

If this sounds like an iPhone case for you, the Optrix Wide-Angle iPhone Action Sports Case is currently a Kickstarter project, so if you’d like to place your pre-order, you’ll have to head on over to its Kickstarter page to pledge a donation and hope that there will be enough backers to put the case into product.

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