Remember Apple’s Ping service? Well, Apple CEO Tim Cook has finally stepped forward to acknowledge that Apple’s social network is not exactly the best idea in the world. According to Cook, “We tried Ping and I think the customer voted and said this isn’t something I want to put a lot of energy into.” When put forward with the question as to whether Apple will kill this particular service, all Cook could muster was this, “I don’t know. We’ll look at that.” One thing is for sure – Ping does not seem as though it will have any chance of making it big as a social network considering how it has to overhaul Google Plus first, so what is the point of keeping it alive?

This is the first time that Apple has formally recognized that Ping is most probably far from being a success. Originally introduced alongside iTunes 10 in September 2010, Ping was touted to be a music-centric social network which was specially built into iTunes, enabling you to follow your friends just like how you would do on other social networks, seeing just what tunes are hot on their playlist at that point in time. Not only that, you also have the option of following bands who are subscribed to the service.

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