Since Google+ Pages has been getting a new layout over the past week or some, the Mountain View giant is trying to get the massive user-base to get interactive and come up with their own image to be used as Chrome’s cover photo for the social networking site. They reportedly want the result to be something new, awesome and “chrome-y”. If you aren’t sure what exactly a cover photo is then just click here to see an example on Robert Scoble’s page.
Google has asked that users who wish to participate in the competition can tag +Google Chrome in the image or tag the attached post with #chromecover for easy pick up by the team behind the competition. To help you along the way, the company has also provided some hi-res icons for Chrome, Chrome Web Store and 2 for Chromebooks (first one and second one). The only “don’ts” that Google has issued to potential members of the contest are that participants don’t manipulate the colors or proportions of the Chrome logo and also that they are only allowed to submit images for which they have the rights to use. If you are planning on taking part in the competition, don’t forget to tag your posts or images.