Mention TomTom and you will most probably think of GPS navigation devices as well as software. Well, TomTom has just updated their iOS app to include social networking functions, making sure that your family and friends know exactly where you are all the time. Not too sure what kind of fun this move offers for the user, especially for those who love to head out for a tryst, but here we are with version 1.10 of the flagship iOS app from TomTom. Version 1.10 will have Facebook integration as the “main course”, so to speak, where you can opt to navigate to places and events which are listed on the website, in addition to sharing destinations and arrival times with the rest. No longer can you tell your mates that you are “looking for parking” when you have just left the home, eh?

Other sharing options have also been thrown into the mix, where you are able to tweet times and destinations, or even send such information to select contacts directly over an email or text message. New functions are not the only goodies – as TomTom has introduced new maps to this version, where US users will benefit from pre-installed speed camera data.

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