So it’s a hot summer’s afternoon and what better way to relax by having a nice cold beer, right? While that sounds like a good idea, the heat from the summer will no doubt warm your beer in no time, leaving you with a flat and warm alcoholic beverage. Well it seems that the folks at Kirin beer in Japan have come up with a solution for that in the form of frozen beer head dispensed from a machine. Just like an ice cream dispenser, the machine will ooze out thick, whipped up beer head that’s been frozen and rests on top of your beer much like an ice cream float would.

Even better, since it is made out of beer, when it melts not only does it keep your drink cool, but it will not dilute your alcoholic beverage in the process! Unfortunately this frozen beer head dispenser is available only in Japan, so for those of us stateside looking to get our hands on it, it looks like we’re flat out of luck for now. In the mean time enjoy the demonstration in the video above. If you find yourself suddenly craving for a cold one, we don’t blame you.

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