The historic first person shooter that really sparked off FPS multiplayer fragfests can be attributed to Doom, thanks to the brilliance of John Carmack and the rest of the family over at id Software. Well, we have seen Doom II, Quake and its subsequent sequels, and a return to Doom III after that, but the emotional attachment with Doom will always remain with me, as Mr. Brown, Mr. Red, and Mr. Green all run about the level, making short work of one another with a plasma gun and the BFG. Folks with an adequately powered Android phone might want to check out the latest Doom port known as DoomGLES (get it here from the Google Play Store), where it is a hardware accelerated OpenGLES Doom port for mobile devices. Check out a video of the port in action after the jump.
DoomGLES will support high resolutions on tablets and high-specced smartphones, realtime dynamic lighting, particle effects, 3D monsters and objects, blood projections and even a realistic water effect. It ought to play nice with any OpenGLES 2.0 device, and will also support Sony’s Xperia Play gamepad buttons.