It looks like the reports were right about Crysis 3 being announced this week. Earlier today, both EA and Crytek officially announced Crysis 3 that appears to be a combination of Crysis 1 and 2 in terms of its settings. For those who have played the Crysis franchise, you might recall that Crysis 1 was set on a tropical island, while Crysis 2 took place in New York City. Crysis 3 has taken both those elements and combined them which has resulted in an re-imagined New York City with a rainforest and swamps.

The game is expected to see a release in 2013 but Origin is already taking pre-orders. For those who are willing to commit now to a game that will only see a release next year, Origin will be rewarding you with the Hunter Edition version of Crysis 3. This appears to be a pre-order exclusive and will give the player a number of perks and exclusive items/bonuses, one of which includes the bow weapon pictured above. According to Kotaku, retailer exclusive pre-order bonuses have also been revealed. This includes:

Stalker Pack – Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: for players who like to stalk their prey from the shadows the Stalker Pack provides early multiplayer access to the deadly semi-auto Jackal shotgun. This powerful, close-range shotgun comes with a unique silencer attachment, custom weapon skin and two exclusive themed in-game dog tags.

Overkill Pack – Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Overkill Pack features early multiplayer access to the Typhoon assault weapon and skin. Spewing 500 rounds a second, the Typhoon gives players the ability to go guns blazing to take back the Liberty Dome. Also included are two exclusive Overkill themed in-game dog tags.

Predator Pack – Includes the base game, all the Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Predator Pack delivers early multiplayer access to the Feline submachine gun and exclusive camo. With an extremely fast rate of fire and a 60 round magazine the Feline is highly effective and deadly, at short range.

So, who’s placing their pre-order?

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