As little boys and girls, a plastic black microscope with a magnifying glass jammed into a viewer sufficed for hours and hours of what we called scientific fun. Now however as technology has taken a few mile long steps ahead, older technology has gotten cheaper. For all of us scientists who are just curious about how things look when we view them under 200x magnification, it looks like your small albeit interesting dreams can come true for just $89.99.
The Amoeba Dual Purpose Digital Microscope is perfect for scientists who are not really scientists and it features high powered specimen slide viewing and lower power to get a closer look at things like stamps, coins and other small objects. For larger objects like the perhaps the ‘largest ball of yarn in the world’ which you can’t exactly wedge underneath the microscope, you will be able to detach the microscope’s tube for handheld digital viewing. Not only that, but users will be able to take advantage of a built in 1.3MP camera for taking pictures or videos of slides. Both can be saved on your computer for easy viewing and also sent or shared with anyone else.
The other specs of this microscope are, 10x, 60x and 200x magnification powers, top and bottom LED illumination for clear viewing, 3.2-inch diameter plain stage, coarse focusing ability with dual knobs for either hand, USB 2.0 cable, ULead photo software for Microsoft Windows OS, Plug & Play with Windows and most Macs and the set comes with 8 prepared slides, 4 blank slides, tweezers, needle probe and an eyedropper. It’s never too late to enjoy the little things in life and if you want to release the suppressed scientist in you, click here to purchase the interesting like gadget.
Filed in Microscope.
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