Remember when it was reported that Draw Something was a hit? Well it looks like the game has managed to catch the attention of Zynga, the largest online social games provider. The company announced today that it acquired OMGPOP – creators of Draw Something, for an undisclosed amount starting today. However, it looks like fans of Draw Something won’t have to worry about Zynga ruining their favorite game – at least for now.

OMGPOP’s CEO Dan Porter was quoted as saying, “The game will stay true to you and what you love, and it’s my solemn vow that the magic of Draw Something will not change. I know without a doubt that Zynga is the right partner for OMGPOP. Our new partners at Zynga know how to innovate at scale, and they’re pushing the limits of social with their mobile games. With the added resources we now have, and the deep gaming experience we can draw from, we can’t wait to continue to surprise our users. If you’re a fan, a player of ours, I can’t wait to show you what’s in store – it’s going to be drawsome.”

Last week over 1 billion drawings were created with the game, and yesterday at its peak – the game hit over 3,000 drawings a second. With Draw Something only six-weeks old, I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing a lot more added to the game in the coming months. How many of you are currently addicted to Draw Something?

[Press Release]

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