For professional photographers who are still wondering whether they should go for the Nikon D800 DSLR or settle for Canon’s 5D Mark III, perhaps this particular ‘shoot out’ of studio samples might be able to help you decide. While the Nikon D800 has a whopping 36.3-megapixel count, it has a relatively limited top sensitivity of ISO 25,600, compared to Canon’s 5D Mark III which has a lower resolution count of ‘just’ 22.3-megapixels, but it excels as it lets you shoot at ISO 102,400. The folks over at DPReview have definitely invested a fair amount of time with the Nikon D800, and the Engadget people have had their fair share of fun with the Canon 5D Mark III, resulting in a studio sample shootout. It seems that Nikon’s D800 is the noisier of the two, which should not come at any surprise, but I believe that brand loyalty will still hold sway at the end of the day as to which shooter will professionals pick up.
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