There are premium movie cineplexes that feature comfortable snooze couches as well as a concierge service, where pressing a single button at your seat will have a waiter dropping by, taking your order for whatever drinks and snacks that you want to have to accompany your movie watching experience. Well, here is something a little bit different – MasterCard is looking to empower movie goers with the ability to place a popcorn order through the act of scanning a QR code with your smartphone device. This application is known as QkR, and since all orders are scanned, there are no long lines to worry about, and the manpower behind the counter can just concentrate on delivering the right orders to the correct seats without having to worry about manning a cash counter as well as a long line of hungry (and subsequently, angry) customers. Currently, this MasterCard initiative is being tested out at Hoyts La Premiera theaters in Australia.