Beer, the nectar of the gods, has for thousands of years helping ugly people look good, and there is always an excuse to drink, whether it is to drown your sorrows or to celebrate your favorite sports team’s victory. Well, since some of us take our drinking more seriously than the others, a single drop spilt is definitely something that might trigger that change to the Incredible Hulk. Hahn has decided that enough is enough for such scenarios, having come up with the perfect solution that you can watch in the video above. No idea on whether it will ever make it as an actual device or not, but at least it offers some laughs to kick start your work week, while you look forward to the upcoming weekend’s celebrations. Don’t just stop just because St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are over, there is always an occassion for you to pop open a few bottles, don’t you think so? This still does not solve the potential problem of someone’s elbow accidentally knocking the glass of amber liquid down though…

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