Apple’s 27” iMac isn’t too bad of a computer, but one could make the argument that they could get a much cheaper Windows desktop with the same specs. Putting that aside, if you’re a huge Mac fan and you just love the iMac, you might be interested in checking out this iMac that has basically been coated in gold, 24 karat gold to be exact, and to top it all off, it has also been given a clear finish to help ensure that it remains shiny. The guys at  Computer Choppers did not stop there and have also coated the keyboard and the magic trackpad in gold as well, and all that’s missing is a gold plated mouse. In any case, if you’d like to check out more photos of a gold plated 27” iMac, head on over to Computer Choppers where you could probably order one for yourself, although expect to fork out anywhere between $7,500-$10,000 for one.

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