Mass Effect 3 Calibur 11 VaultMass Effect 3 is slated to arrive tomorrow, but Calibur11’s latest cases have started shipping out and for those of who are thinking of picking one up for your Xbox 360 S or PlayStation 3 Slim, you can purchase one today. The Calibur11 Collector’s Edition Mass Effect 3 Vault will keep your console protected with a textured Commander Shepard chest piece with a LED N7 logo that lights up in two different modes. No, the console won’t make your game play any different, but when you purchase it you do get access to some special DLC.

The DLC provided with the Calibur11 Mass Effect 3 Vault will provide you with a Reinforcement Pack that can give you a step-up on  the multiplayer competition. Users gain access to a wide variety of character race and class unlocks, weapons and weapon modifications, ammo, power and healthy consumables, and more that can only be used in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer mode. Each pack has a random selection of these items, as some items are more common or rare than others.

The Calibur11 Mass Effect 3 Vault is available now for $89.99 at the Calibur11 online store.

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