Winter gloves play nice with touchscreen devices
One of the major banes of a touchscreen device rears its ugly head whenever winter comes around – that is because when you wear a pair of gloves, you cannot manipulate the touchscreen display in any way other than to remove that glove and type out whatever you want to before your poor fingers end up frozen. The Army is always on the lookout for the next best thing since sliced bread, and that is where the Army-approved winter gloves come in handy. Known as the Agloves brand (for the A-Team, perhaps?), the US Army has already sent plenty of them overseas to fighters.
According to Michael McCarthy, a technology director for the Army, “These technologies coming out of small companies are literally game-changers,” while Jennifer Spencer, the founder and president of Agloves has this to say: “Our competitors are in the fashion industry. We want to be seen as a wireless accessory first and foremost.” The pricing structure is also very reasonable, so hopefully with this neat accessory, our men in uniform would be able to keep their fingers nice and warm while tapping away on a touchscreen without missing a beat.
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