Ultrabook prices might drop by 30% in March

Economy of scale is what many manufacturers want to achieve, without sacrificing too much profit at the same time too, of course. Well, we do know that the Ultrabook segment that is being championed by several computer manufacturers are starting to take off, with new models being announced at CES 2012 last month, but will Ultrabooks be the future of the world of notebooks? Perhaps, and we cannot stop you if you want to be an early adopter, although you might want to take heed of this bit of news. Word on the street has it that prices of Ultrabooks will drop in March or April by up to 30% as their inventory will be cleared to make way for the new laptop platform known as Ivy Bridge from Intel.
Digitimes carries this news tip, and if that were to be true, it might prove to make a dent in wake of sales after the possible announcement of an iPad 3 in the first week of March. After all, not everyone wants a tablet although the iPad is definitely a desirable device, and between an Ultrabook and an iPad, it could be a tough call for folks looking to buy the next shiny device. What do you think? Will you pick up an Ultrabook if the price drops to near the $500 region?
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