Swap-o-matic – Promotional Video #1 from Lina Fenequito on Vimeo.

Do you have an item that you no longer need, or that you’re willing to trade for something else? Well there’s always eBay and Craigslist, but meeting up with the buyer/seller or packing it up to mail it off to buyer might prove to be a bit more troublesome than some of you guys might like. So instead of leaving your item to collect dust or throwing it out, designer Lina Fenequito has come up with the Swap-O-Matic vending machine.

The idea behind the machine is to allow users to swap items with each other, ultimately reducing waste. Credit will be given when items are placed in the vending machine and will be deducted when items are removed, which replaces the need for monetary transactions to occur. Personally I could see this being a hit in colleges and universities where the Swap-O-Matic vending machine could be used to exchange textbooks, stationery and items that are no longer required for the semester.

At the moment the Swap-O-Matic has two vending machines, but unless it sees some form of large scale funding, we doubt it will be making it very far. In the mean time check out the video above for a demonstration, or pop on over to its website for more info.

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