New Apple TV launches after iPad 3 event?

Apple logoI am quite sure that the whole world (or at least most of it) would be looking towards the announcement of the iPad 3 from Apple this coming March 7th, Retina Display and all. Of course, news of the March 7 event has caused Apple’s stock to soar even higher, surpassing the $500 billion mark – and making it worth more than the entire country of Poland in the process. Well, there are rumors on the ground that the iPad 3 is not going to be the only device that will make a splash next week, as developer Benjamin Mayo has added more fuel to the fire by claiming that sources close to the matter have indicated the release of a new Apple TV almost right after the iPad 3 announcement – within the same day or the next. What do you think of this yet unconfirmed rumor – does it hold any water or not? Would two Apple product launches so close to each other actually work in Apple’s favor?

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