The iPad 3 from Apple is more or less going to be the most talked about device sometime early next month, as it is rumored to be announced this coming March 7th in San Francisco. The Retina Display for this particular tablet has already been confirmed, and now we have word that the iPad 3 could actually cost more than the iPad 2 – according to a pricing sheet that appeared on Chinese microblog Sina Weibo. Consumers might see the iPad 3 that commands an $80 premium over the iPad 2 for Wi-Fi enabled models, and the equivalent 3G models will cost $70 more. No idea if the public will see this price increase as a minor speedbump in their quest to bring home the latest and greatest. Would your purchase decision be affected by a price increase? If the rumored price increase were to be true, you can be sure that the Android camp is going to be happy – since newer Android-powered tablets are not exactly super expensive, although they do pack in more technology than ever before.