iCelsius thermometer for iOS-powered devices

I remember back in the day when I was a wee lad, and had trouble moving my bowels, I had to have laxatives shoved up from the rear in order to induce a trip to the nearest toilet shortly afterwards. Thank goodness for a diet that is high in fibre which means there are no more such embarrassing moments for me. Of course, apart from that, another favorite would be the thermometer which “attacked” me from behind at the doctor’s sometimes to get a more accurate reading of my temperature when I had a fever. Good thing the iCelsius needs not stink itself up, as it is a peripheral which was specially developed for iOS-powered devices.

Specially developed to further extend the iPad’s functionality (the iPhone and iPod touch would also not be exempt here), where it will function as a temperature probe. You can download the free app from the App store, and this particular device is able to read temperatures, churn up graphs, set up alerts, store and email graphs to anyone who might be interested. The thermometer is able to tell the temperature in a Fahrenheit or Celsius reading. Parents might be interested in picking this device up for $54.99.

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