Google: Slide to unlock’s old hat
Apple is certainly making most of their slide-to-unlock patent, having picked up an injunction against Motorola smartphones in Germany that utilizes the slide-to-unlock movement, something that just about all the other Android-powered devices rely on. Well, since Google is the one behind Android, a recent patent application from the Internet search giant points towards a different way to unlock a device instead of treading on Apple’s ground. Calling it “Input to Locked Computing Device,” the application intends to kill two birds with one stone – that is, using one or more user inputs while executing a command simultaneously, which can range from calling someone or accessing an application.
The user inputs concerned are extremely flexible, as they can come in the form of passcodes, touch and drag, or audio commands. This unlocking system is also good to go for desktops and notebooks in addition to mere smartphones. Will this patent application eventually end up as part of Google’s ammunition in the courtroom? Only time will tell.
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