There are whispers going around that Google could very well be rolling out a new home entertainment system that is controlled by the Android ecosystem – and it will not be licensed under the name of a third party hardware manufacturer, but rather, will bear Google’s brand right from the get go. Of course, history has shown us as much that Google has not, to date, rolled out branded hardware without a partner – we had the Nexus One from HTC, the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S from Samsung, and the XOOM from Motorola. Perhaps this will mark a change, or will Google still stick to one of their tried and tested partners?

This seems to sound legit, as such a home entertainment system could also work in tandem with Google’s Drive cloud storage system, pulling off your entertainment files from the cloud so that you have more space on your portable hard drive to stash away important documents that should never make their way online. Do you think that Google can cut the mustard as a hardware manufacturer? My money is on them outsourcing it.

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